I remember the blessed day my son was born...  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My son was born on January 20th, 1992. He was born on Martin Luther King's birthday. I had no choice but think to myself what a wonderful day to be born.
A member of my now exhusband's family said in displeasure, "...so he was born on niggers day"? I was laying there in the hospital room soar from giving life and to hear such filth nearly killed my soul!
I was reading late into the evening last night all about the election results and read something wonderful! Barack Obama will be sworn in as President of the United States on MY SONS BIRTHDAY, January 20th, 2009. A black man.
I had asked my son last night as we ate our hamburgers from Carl's Jr.'s, who would you vote for if you were old enough? He said Obama, MAMA!! I had to laugh at my son for his humor. I had tears on the inside were my soul resides, tears of pride in my son, for he was born on a good day!

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