A movie star visits Rio Vista Ca.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Lady Washington and/or sets constructed by GHHSA have appeared in numerous motion pictures since her launch in 1989. GHHSA film credits include:
Star Trek: Generations (Paramount Pictures, 1994)
The West (IMAX)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (Walt Disney Pictures, 2003)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (Walt Disney Pictures, 2006)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (Walt Disney Pictures, 2007)
Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftain are unique and highly recognizable properties available to film and video producers as historical sets, platforms for corporate training videos, advertising campaigns, documentary productions, short films, productions that launch new products, and other uses. Because both vessels are at sea most of the year, availability is dependent on ship location and schedules. GHHSA also offers set construction capabilities.
Text from: http://www.ladywashing.org/
Posted in Hollywood, Homes...Places...Cool? by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postStylin' pipes...
Posted in Homes...Places...Cool?, window shopping and hijacked stuff... by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this post"No, we're for Obama. Why?
Posted in Oh Sarah Oh Sarah, VOTE by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postHot wheels and sales are smokin' hot!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Posted in Economy, stock market by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postThere goes my 401K...
Posted in Economy, Raleys by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postCoffins in the grocery store oh my!
Posted in Raleys by Bratgirl | 1 comments
Email this postNo country for old men...
— JOHN MCCAIN, Arizona Senator and presidential hopeful, responding jokingly to a high schooler's comment that, at 71, McCain might be too old for the White House
Posted in We all knew already...let's move on shall we by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postParty Pumpkins dude!!!
Posted in Candid Photos by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postHow-To: Dirt-Cheap Speaker Stands
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Posted using ShareThis
Posted in Homes...Places...Cool? by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postGrocery grocery...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Posted in Raleys by Bratgirl | 2 comments
Email this postCandy collecting skillz...tested and proven effective
Check out this pose. So strong! Batman is so confident so brave!!
Posted in Candid Photos, spiderz and other creepy stuff by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postHappy Halloween (I hate spiders)
Posted in spiderz and other creepy stuff by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postElection Protection... You have the right to vote
Friday, October 24, 2008
Through our state of the art hotlines: 1-866-OUR-VOTE (administered by the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law) and 1-888-Ve-Y-Vota (administered by the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Education Fund), this website, and comprehensive voter protection field programs across the country, we provide Americans from coast to coast with comprehensive voter information and advice on how they can make sure their vote is counted.
Made up of more than 100 local, state and national partners, this year's coalition will be the largest voter protection and education effort in the nation's history.
Throughout the election process, our volunteers - more than 10,000 strong - will be entering data and information into OurVote live (developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation), an interactive environment painting the most comprehensive picture of election irregularities from the perspective of the voter available anywhere. Unique in the excitement of this political season, Election Protection focuses on the voter - not on the political horse race - and provides guidance, information and help to any American, regardless of who that voter is casting a ballot for.
Election Protection 2008 Primary Program
Posted in VOTE by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postSend an ecard to someone you love!!
Posted in VOTE by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postNetwork, Live, Prime Time endorsement from President Bush
Posted in Oh Sarah Oh Sarah, stock market, VOTE by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postArtists work in 3-D Tattoos

Posted in spiderz and other creepy stuff, window shopping and hijacked stuff... by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postNot everyone is perfect woodbyryan...;)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wooden Obama & McCain Art (Rancho Cordova)
Reply to: mailto:sale-889522438@craigslist.org?subject=Wooden%20Obama%20&%3b%20McCain%20Art%20%20(Rancho%20Cordova) [?]
Date: 2008-10-22, 2:24PM PDT
Ooohhh...free stuff. One man's oops, another man/womans gain. =) Cool stuff woodbyryan!! P.S. Don't flake on this dude. That is such a waste of his time!! Note to flaker: Coulda' called and lied... my dog ate my keys...but NOOO!!
- Location: Rancho Cordova
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Posted in Craigs List, Oh Sarah Oh Sarah by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postCraigs List redecorating...
free couch sofa (lodi)
Reply to: mailto:sale-891284999@craigslist.org?subject=free%20couch%20sofa%20(lodi) [?]
Date: 2008-10-23, 8:52PM PDT
free couch sofa....i don't know the difference
- Hey this looks clean!! Hint Hint!! =)
- Location: lodi
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Green Couch double Recliner (Watt Avenue, Sac)
Reply to: mailto:sale-888677060@craigslist.org?subject=Green%20Couch%20double%20Recliner%20(Watt%20Avenue,%20Sac) [?]
Date: 2008-10-21, 11:04PM PDT
- Location: Watt Avenue, Sac
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
FREE Papazan Chair (West Sac)
Reply to: mailto:sale-890071685@craigslist.org?subject=FREE%20Papazan%20Chair%20(West%20Sac) [?]
Date: 2008-10-23, 12:50AM PDT
Only 1 year old. Minor damage - missing flats (picture #1), and minor tears (Picture #2), but altogether it looks good and sits well (Picture #3).
Free, but you just need to pic it up from my storage from West Sacramento.
Great furniture piece for students.
- Location: West Sac
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Posted in Craigs List by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postShoplifters should plan what they wear...
My son has recently given up on wearing t-shirts that say ANYTHING!! He says he is tired of people staring at him. LOL I can only imagine that's the mutual feeling of these losers!! LOL
Posted in Candid Photos, Not on Your Life... by Bratgirl | 0 comments
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