Absentee Ballots Rock!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We are on the verge of a recession. In some parts of the country, recession is already making an impact. Lay offs in the auto industry have hit some like a ton of bricks. The banks are crumbling. Foreclosures are at an all time high. Gas prices have been at the highest on record during this past year. The middle class is getting poorer. It has a cascading affect on use all...

Whatever you reason to vote is, just get out there and DO IT! By law, in all states, you can leave work to go vote. Of course you will not be paid for the time you have taken to vote, but you can come back and work your total hours you were scheduled. A law is a law for a reason.
Absentee ballots are an option. You can fill out an absentee ballot registration form from a post office, DMV, or just about any government office. There is a due date to mail in your absentee ballot by mail. But hey we are all human, let's say you forgot to mail it in. Just drop it by your local polling place! Piece of cake! So until then you are stuck making and taking the time to get to your polling place.
Make a difference! As I always say, "you have no business complaining about (fill in the blank with the a politician's name) unless you voted!" If someone hasn't voted and are complaining they need to shush! Make a difference....and reserve your right to bitch about Mr./Ms. so-and-so politician!!
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