Coffee has never changed??
Posted in window shopping and hijacked stuff... by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postA fun-tional couch
Posted in window shopping and hijacked stuff... by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postWalmart's super sweet convertables...

Posted in super sweet deals under $350 bucks by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postPaul Newman a real screen actor

Posted in Hollywood by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postHot Chocolate constructed mmmmm...
Posted in window shopping and hijacked stuff... by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postWhat a difference a day makes. Down-777.68 then up +485.21


Posted in stock market by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postSarah Palin action figure
Posted in Oh Sarah Oh Sarah by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postTerro Ant Killerz
Terro Ant Killer!! These are handy dandy little clear ant killers! They work so much better then any other brands out there. I would not lie about such a thing. I hate ants. I have a clean house so when they (ants seem to bring the whole family) come over they are in my shower, cat food, dog food, toilet, my one remaining living house plant...get the point? I recommend them, Terro, not ants silly!
It's also quite cool to see them eat like it's a buffet at the MGM Vegas! Chow down baby! The one thing I that I do is place them upside down. They tend to not drown in the goo, and eat more. If the eat more and transport that goo back to the mothership?? You get it now don't you!! LOL
Posted in antz, bugz, spiderz and other creepy stuff by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postClay Aiken is gay...seriously

Posted in We all knew already...let's move on shall we by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postOld School Raley's Baby!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Raley's Reno Nevada...Flikr Found!! Vintage I'd say 2004-2006 easy...LOL!

Shiny hideous tiles that always cracked over time...

The huge clock that we all watch!!
Posted in Raleys by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postSocial Wallpapering for You and Me
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Posted in computer by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this post~~Sarah Palin-One Hot Mama~~

Now I feel much better knowing that it's a teenie booper with a bod like that...oh yes now we must address the other issue...where did Ms. Teenie Booper get the gun? Where are her parents!? What is the world coming to!?
Posted in Oh Sarah Oh Sarah by Bratgirl | 0 comments
Email this postDays off from Raleys...
Posted in First entry...beep beep girl by Bratgirl | 0 comments
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