Does Starbucks still reign over her lands?  

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Is she still Queen? Long live the Queen!!

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Coffee has never changed??  

Old school...


New school...

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A fun-tional couch  

I wish I knew where I got this. It is so cool. I need a handyman to do this for me. WINK WINK!! This is so custom. It fits perfectly in the snug corner. With only 1300 sq. ft. of space in my house this rocks! Did I mention my house is a two story, even less space to play with, but I could make my blonde doll house love this!! Perhaps I was on Apartment Therapy?? Hunt is on...

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Walmart's super sweet convertables...  

Super sweet deals for under $350 bucks!! My fanny is thrilled... Broadway, a sweet deal at $335!!
Madison is so cool at $335!
Metro is stylin' at $299...OMG!!
This is two in one...
...two at a bargain price of $349...oh lala

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Paul Newman a real screen actor  

My Dad was a fan so it's in the blood. I am more, I am an admirer. Yes, his skill as an actor can never be reproduced. The 'beauty of a man' I had never known was possible till I started to pay attention to him. I could not admit such things to friends as a kid for it was not cool for me to like an actor none of my friends had even heard of!

At any age this man was stunning. To see him as he matured in the public eye is breath taking. Most men dream to be like Paul Newman. Few can make such a comparison. Lightning strikes only once in this instance...

He was a rebel. He did it his way. Hollywood wanted him to change his name, it sounded 'Jewish'. He said hell no, and Newman it stayed. My favorite picture so far is this one of him with shirtless and wearing the Star of David... Jewish balls, simply beautiful!!

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Hot Chocolate constructed mmmmm...  

Hot chocolate anyone? Well make it yourself at

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What a difference a day makes. Down-777.68 then up +485.21  


What a change of events in just one day! Stocktraders went from sad faces to bright smiles. Those careless banks aren't out of the woods just yet...
Wall Street Jumped back in the game on Tuesday with a score up 485 points. Just the day before the New York stock exchange had it's worst sell-off in 21 years dropping 777 points. The Washington Big Boys set the mood for a dump and fall. Bush's proposal to bail out the banks bombed. It just shows us all how unstable the market can be. I hope we have no more reminders such as this. My 401K can't handle the stress. I want to retire with more then just Campbell's beans on my plate...

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Sarah Palin action figure  

That's it I have had it! ;) I am so voting Democrat. Obama mama I am!!
P.S. After working on my knees for Raleys for 18 years, I still have cuter knees...

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Terro Ant Killerz  

Terro Ant Killer!! These are handy dandy little clear ant killers! They work so much better then any other brands out there. I would not lie about such a thing. I hate ants. I have a clean house so when they (ants seem to bring the whole family) come over they are in my shower, cat food, dog food, toilet, my one remaining living house plant...get the point? I recommend them, Terro, not ants silly!
It's also quite cool to see them eat like it's a buffet at the MGM Vegas! Chow down baby! The one thing I that I do is place them upside down. They tend to not drown in the goo, and eat more. If the eat more and transport that goo back to the mothership?? You get it now don't you!! LOL

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Clay Aiken is gay...seriously  

Okay so he is gay. Clay Aiken that is. He finally told his mother. She cried! Why didn't anyone on gawd's green earth tell the woman sooner. Come on now!? She didn't know!? She is blind.
I really don't care if he is gay or not. I am not a fan, but at the same time I am not an enemy to differences. Can we move on now...

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Old School Raley's Baby!!  

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Raley's Reno Nevada...Flikr Found!! Vintage I'd say 2004-2006 easy...LOL!

The above pic is what we called the Power Alley.

End displays with those ugly shelves...

"Everyday Value" promotion tags...

I came across some pictures of a Raley's in Reno NV. Wow. What a difference from my store now. We had a makeover about a year ago and we look HOT!! These pictures are of an old school looking Raley's...yikes!

Shiny hideous tiles that always cracked over time...

The huge clock that we all watch!!

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Social Wallpapering for You and Me  

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Social Wallpapering is an awesomely cool site to get screen savers for your computer for FREE. I love that word 'FREE'! You start by going to Just as simple as that. Social wallpapering, "a community effort to classify, rank, and distribute high resolution images for use as computer wallpapers."

When you arrive at their website, kick back and stay awhile. Just browse a bit through gallery of screen savers. There are all sorts of genres to choose from...abstracts, creatures, people, music, TV and movies...the list goes on. I have found tons of cool and fun screen savers here. I can even upload them to my Palm Centro!! Of course some of the pics don't look as good due to cropping issues, but hey I can just delete them off my Palm and pick another from my library...thanks to Socwall!!

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~~Sarah Palin-One Hot Mama~~  

So there I am cruising around the Internet and found some pictures of Sarah Palin... I had seen these pictures on the covers of some of the trash mags on the news stands at work but gave it no attention. Until now....

I thought, "to hell with the gun, look she has no stretch marks!!" I decided then and there that I hated her just because she looks hotter then me! Beeaatch! Then I came across an article about photoshop and the obvious usage to create this picture! Here we are folks the before...

Now I feel much better knowing that it's a teenie booper with a bod like that...oh yes now we must address the other issue...where did Ms. Teenie Booper get the gun? Where are her parents!? What is the world coming to!?

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Days off from Raleys...  

Today is a day when I am not due at work. I am not due at an appointment of any kind. I am home alone with my two dogs and two cats. I do have some of the usual choirs to accomplish, such as laundry, cleaning of the kitchen and bathrooms, and oh yes the animals. I love my four my four legged friends dearly, they are my morning calls (next to my alarm clock), and all of my kisses start with them and end with them. My kisses of course are displays of how they love me!!

Today is also my first blog exciting for mua!! My blog is going to be about me and what I see and how see there! =) I am a grocery girl, I work for Raley's in California. We are an awesome grocery chain consisting of four stores chains all together as one mighty force of customer service. (Mary's gonna love that! She is my boss!) I have been at it for 18 years now and I guess I like it well enough...I am still here...beep beep!!

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