Social Wallpapering for You and Me
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Social Wallpapering is an awesomely cool site to get screen savers for your computer for FREE. I love that word 'FREE'! You start by going to Just as simple as that. Social wallpapering, "a community effort to classify, rank, and distribute high resolution images for use as computer wallpapers."
When you arrive at their website, kick back and stay awhile. Just browse a bit through gallery of screen savers. There are all sorts of genres to choose from...abstracts, creatures, people, music, TV and movies...the list goes on. I have found tons of cool and fun screen savers here. I can even upload them to my Palm Centro!! Of course some of the pics don't look as good due to cropping issues, but hey I can just delete them off my Palm and pick another from my library...thanks to Socwall!!

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