~~Sarah Palin-One Hot Mama~~
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
So there I am cruising around the Internet and found some pictures of Sarah Palin... I had seen these pictures on the covers of some of the trash mags on the news stands at work but gave it no attention. Until now....

I thought, "to hell with the gun, look she has no stretch marks!!" I decided then and there that I hated her just because she looks hotter then me! Beeaatch! Then I came across an article about photoshop and the obvious usage to create this picture! Here we are folks the before...

Now I feel much better knowing that it's a teenie booper with a bod like that...oh yes now we must address the other issue...where did Ms. Teenie Booper get the gun? Where are her parents!? What is the world coming to!?
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