Commentary: My father, George Wallace and Barack Obama by: Peggy Wallace Kennedy  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

      How shocked George Wallce would be to learn of last night's election results.  The new age of unity of us all as Americans.  He never thought blacks or minorities in general should ever reach as high as they could.  As far as Wallace was concerned 'they' should know their place. 
     Today is a time of change, this is the first day, November 5th 2008.  As we all as Americans wake this morning to a new day of history.  Peggy Wallace Kennedy, daughter of George Wallace once Governor of Alabama, wrote of a night of vandelism to her father's and mother's gravesites.  Read more by clicking on the title of this post...

After a few moments, the woman leaned into me and spoke almost in a conspiratorial whisper. "I never thought I would live to see the day when a black would be running for president. I know your daddy must be rolling over in his grave."

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