Welcome to Piggly Wiggly!!  

Monday, November 10, 2008

Years ago we had a nice lady from the south somewhere who's husband was in the Air Force and of course where he went she went, thus is marriage in the military.  Anyways she had worked at a Piggly Wiggly.  If I could only remember her name, nice lady.  One day she had to go on the intercom system and make an announcement for whatever was the special of the day.  Everything sounded nice (she was good at keeping a professional voice on the intercom system--like a pro!) until her closing!  "Again as always we'd like to thank you for shoppin' at your local Pig--gly Wig--gly!!"  (Imagine a pause where the dashes are...lol...almost like a holler)
We, all of her co-workers, howled with instant hearty laughter!!  We stopped dead in our grocery tracks.  Oh how she laughed and turned red with embaressment!  We just died!  Customers asked, "What's a Piggly Wiggly?" 
If you've been in the grocery biz as long as me you know what a Piggly Wiggly is, just because the name is so goofy.  Who thought of naming a grocery chain after wiggles and pigs? 
The point, we don't work in the south, and we work for Raleys!!  So sweet to have a good laugh at work, a good laugh that makes you feel good...

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