Not everyone is perfect woodbyryan...;)  

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wooden Obama & McCain Art (Rancho Cordova)

Reply to: [?]
Date: 2008-10-22, 2:24PM PDT

I have been doing so Obama & McCain art on wood. I gave out five of these last week on CL and I have some more. These are mess-ups. You can still tell who the candidates are on the wood print, but they are not perfect for selling (in my mind). So I would like to give out one per person just as I did last week. This is a simple way to bless people and rid myself of product that is not worthy. I currently have 2 McCains and 3 Obamas. You can observe the photo below or the site for specifications. These are 4.5 inches tall.
NOTE: 1 Obama left. McCains are gone. The last Obama was supposed to be picked up today, but the person flaked.

  • stuff.  One man's oops, another man/womans gain.  =)  Cool  stuff woodbyryan!!  P.S.  Don't flake on this dude.  That is such a waste of his time!!  Note to flaker:  Coulda' called and lied... my dog ate my keys...but NOOO!!
  • Location: Rancho Cordova

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
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